Vagy azért, mert kiírtam magamból, vagy azért, mert kibeszéltem, de ma már jobb volt, nem láttam annyira borúsan a helyzetet. Jee. Ez persze nem jelent semmit, hullámozhat. Mégegyszer jee.
I always feel I will not be able to go through this again, then it happens, I suffer, it is harder than it was before (or at least I think/ feel so), and as time passes I realize it happened again and I still could not do anything against it. I'll keep repeating that I'm turning 27 this year, this…
I'm turning 27 this year and my love life is still between nothing and that of a schoolgirl.
Life, go home, you are drunk. And for me: go get a life, baszd meg.
Mi fai diventare vulnerabile, oppure tu me rends vulnerable, dovrei dire.
Tu vuoi imparare l'italiano, io il francese, non ci saranno problemi a parte che io morirò, ma stai tranquillo, non te lo dirò mai, non te ne accorgerai mai.